Lt. Governor Robinson spoke at the North Carolina Renewal Project pastors’ luncheon on the Monday following the call for his resignation. He began his message by reading from 1 Samuel 17, where David takes on Goliath. At the 6:24 mark of the video, Robinson had a few words for those he described as “hiding in the tent.”
“[David] a skinny little boy with ne’er bit of army training, ne’er bit of armor, standing in front of a giant who had grown men, powerful men, shaking in their shoes [and] hiding in their tents.
“I’ve thought a lot of what I want to talk about today, let’s make this short and sweet, folks. I’m tired of cowards. God can’t use you and this country doesn’t need you.
“We’ve got stuff going on in this nation right now [where] folks wrap themselves up in sin, identify themselves by sin, and not only do they do it for themselves, they’re bound and determined you’re going to go along with them. You’re going to shut down your church and shut your mouth. [They say] ‘I’m going to hell and I’m going to drag you with me, not only that, I’m going to take your children with me too’.
“They’ve become so powerful in society today [because] they’ve got the news media on their side, the television on their side, they’ve got Hollywood on their side, they’ve got all the money on their side, and great and powerful men are running scared.
"When all of this trouble popped up for me [my friends and conservative politicians fled]. I ain’t seen them, haven’t heard from them, they’re back in the camp hiding in the tent waiting on that little boy to go fight the giant.”
Their playbook is in motion. They are pushing out respiratory illness bioweapons. This may be mild, but we don’t know what else they plan to release, especially now that Trump won. Get prepared and have hard-to-get medications at home.
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