I was sitting at a long stoplight yesterday, minding my own business, patiently waiting for it to turn green even though there was cross traffic. A carload of scruffy-bearded, young men shouting Anti-American slogans with a half-burned American Flag duct-taped on the trunk of their car and a "Remember George Floyd" slogan spray painted on the side was stopped next to me. Suddenly they yelled, "Defund the police," and took off before the light changed. Out of nowhere an 18-wheeler came speeding through the intersection and ran directly over their car, crushing it completely and killing everyone in it. For several minutes I sat in my car thinking to myself, "Man... that coulda’ been me!" So today, bright and early, I went out and got a job as a truck driver.
Their playbook is in motion. They are pushing out respiratory illness bioweapons. This may be mild, but we don’t know what else they plan to release, especially now that Trump won. Get prepared and have hard-to-get medications at home.
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