The nonprofit group, Committee to Unleash Prosperity found a reason why the U.S. workforce participation rate has remained stuck under the pre-Pandemic level. Today, just 62.1% of Americans are working. That’s down from 63.4% before COVID hit.
So what’s the reason: The government is subsidizing unemployment. In three states, residents can earn (yes, I’m using that word loosely) more than $100,000 in unemployment benefits and the expanded benefits under the Affordable Healthcare Act. In 14 states, a family of four can earn more than $80,000, which is higher than the median income average for that same family size in the state.
This is an economic disaster. America is currently missing three million workers, and productivity is collapsing. If you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, tax it. That is basic economics.
Their playbook is in motion. They are pushing out respiratory illness bioweapons. This may be mild, but we don’t know what else they plan to release, especially now that Trump won. Get prepared and have hard-to-get medications at home.
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