The ruling class war on the truth:
Socrates: exposed the elites of Athens as fools, was forced to drink hemlock.
Jesus: right about everything, was nailed to a tree.
Thousands of midwives and natural healers: wanted to reduce pain and suffering for ordinary people, burned at the stake for being witches.
MLK, Jr. & RFK, Sr.: worked to build a society based on love, were assassinated by the CIA.
The truth tellers of the Covid era: hunted like dogs by the Pharma state; deplatformed, fired, and blacklisted for providing life-saving information to the public.
Do you see a pattern here? In every era, the most brilliant insights are not welcomed, they are met with brutality organized by the ruling class.
-Dr. Toby Rogers
Their playbook is in motion. They are pushing out respiratory illness bioweapons. This may be mild, but we don’t know what else they plan to release, especially now that Trump won. Get prepared and have hard-to-get medications at home.
Learn more about the Contagion Kit crafted by Dr. Peter McCullough and team at The Wellness Company. Click here and use code KEVIN to save $32 + Free Shipping USA Residents Only.