Kevin and Sam Sorbo
Movies • Politics • Culture
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December 24, 2023

Why do atheists buy Christmas trees and gifts for their children?

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What else you may like…
October 19, 2024
Pass this one along

Funny and true......

April 14, 2024
Brave Books

So much better than school books!

April 10, 2024

NFL fans. Why is it that in the last two minutes of the half and of the game offenses move down the field so easily and get a field goal or a touchdown? Why don't they just do that on offense all the time??

October 17, 2024

Today I jotted down 11 things that are on the ballot this election. (Of course there are more.)

Tax payer funded transgender surgery for inmates is on the ballot
Free healthcare for illegals is on the ballot
425,431 convicted criminal illegals roaming America is on the ballot
Groceries up 22.1%
Car insurance up 54%

Electricity up 31.7%

Baby food up 30.1%

On the ballot this election

Biological men in women’s sports is on the ballot

Biological men allowed in women’s bathrooms is on the ballot
Rent up 22.9 %
Eggs up $69.2 %

Transportation up $31.1%

On the ballot this election

61.3 billion to Ukraine is on the ballot
Tampons in boys bathrooms is on the ballot
Gender mutilation of children is on the ballot
Closing houses of worship is on the ballot

Please vote this election! If you need information about positions of candidates, just ask and we can help. If Christians would simply vote and vote Biblical values, we would not be dealing with the majority of issues that ...

October 17, 2024 the government seeding the hurricanes and storms for some reason?

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