Kevin and Sam Sorbo
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March 27, 2024

Decades ago our nation systematically removed Bible education from the public school day. @LifeWiseAcademy is bringing it back!

This is the greatest missed opportunity of our generation. Wake up!!
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The mainstream news doesn’t want anyone talking about this! Bible education for public school students is perfectly legal.
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This is the most encouraging thing I’ve seen in a long time. How is @LifeWiseAcademy legal but nobody’s talking about it?!

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April 14, 2024
Brave Books

So much better than school books!

April 10, 2024
January 12, 2024
You ready for some fun!

Shout out from Hercules!

April 26, 2024

You'd have to be entirely clueless at this point in history to think that an invasive, non-assimilating Islamic culture in England would bring preferable living conditions for non-Muslims. Why do you think it is that many Muslim peoples move to the Netherlands, Germany and France, England, and the US and Canada? Are you puzzled that there is no similar movement in the opposite direction?
Name one non-Muslim you know that moved to Iran. Iraq. Afghanistan.

-Babylon Bee

You can't for pretty much the same reason people are not taking boats from Key West to Cuba.

April 25, 2024

“Hey Everyone! I’m apart of a new movie called Beyond Sight. It’s a movie that is about on spiritual warfare.

You do not want to miss this. Right now we are giving away a free comic book. Just head over to the website and claim your free copy!

21 hours ago
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