I just talked with a homeless vet named Chris in San Diego and I asked him about the food services available to him at the local NGOs. He said those services are NO longer being provided "due to COVID".
San Diego has an enormous and rapidly growing homeless issue as statically it has the best weather anywhere the US has to offer... and other cities are giving their homeless 1-way bus tickets to SD, which should be absolutely illigal!
If you were homeless where would you rather be, Buffalo NY in the sleet and snow... or sunshining it up in beautiful San Diego??
Shortly after helping out the vet the best I could... I ran into a police officer and told him about what I learned. The officer said the true reason the NGOs are shut down is because resources have been redirected to the BORDER CRISIS!
We both agreed the current administration is the one that made substantial promises to all those willing to cross the border and that of course anyone looking to escape their current situation would take this administration up on it's unbelievably generous offers paid for by the American tax payers dollars!
Hence the ALL time record breaking, astronomical border crisis going on RIGHT NOW (created by the Biden Administration) is also now zapping ALL resources and diverting NGO services normally provided to our own homeless vets!
Their playbook is in motion. They are pushing out respiratory illness bioweapons. This may be mild, but we don’t know what else they plan to release, especially now that Trump won. Get prepared and have hard-to-get medications at home.
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