Kevin and Sam Sorbo
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I remember Kevin Sorbo from his days as Hercules which I watched as a high school student with my devoutly Catholic father, born in Poland, on his dairy farm in eastern Australia. However, some months ago, with my wife, I watched his interview at CPAC with Joshua Philipp from The Epoch Times. Given my obsession with US politics since the outbreak of the CCP virus, the leftist riots and fraudulent election, his interview with Josh struck a chord with me. As well, I'm sure it would have with my now deceased Dad who had been raised in Weimar and Hitler's Germany. For one thing, for both of us, the CCP subversion of Hollywood would be deeply troubling.

And chillingly, as someone who has visited the Auschwitz Concentration Camp museum in Poland in mid-2005, and like my Dad has deeply studied National Socialism and Communism, I find America right now, in so many respects, mirroring the death throes of Weimar Germany and the early days of Hitler's Reich, which I had written about just a few years earlier. This for me, even as an outsider to America, was an incredibly eerie and troubling repeat of history. For one thing, I believe as Ronald Reagan said on December 13, 1981, the day of the imposition of martial law in then communist Poland, “if the lights go out in America, they go out for the entire world.” (See

I know my Dad, as an avid reader of Alexander Solzhenitsyn and lover of John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and traditional America in general, would unequivocally agree. Like myself, he would undoubtedly smell the illegitimate DEMRATS in the White House! Years of study of the history of National Socialism and Communism, would demand no less.

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