It's official: The White House has publicly and un-apologetically announced the deployment of "strike forces" -- a military term -- to go door-to-door across America, targeting unvaccinated people in their own homes. This was proudly announced yesterday by Jen Psaki.
The goal of the program -- which has already been denounced by numerous state governors and U.S. senators -- is to coerce people into taking "kill shots" of spike protein bioweapons, which are deliberately mislabeled "vaccines." Very quickly, this program will be ramped up to full mandatory status, which means gunpoint enforcement of deadly shots, essentially meaning the U.S. government is unleashing death squads across America.
Their playbook is in motion. They are pushing out respiratory illness bioweapons. This may be mild, but we don’t know what else they plan to release, especially now that Trump won. Get prepared and have hard-to-get medications at home.
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